Patent / Invention

Buddy Service 

An invention entitled "SYSTEM AND METHOD TO TRIGGER SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS DURING AN EMERGENCY" was applied for patenting on 7th January, 2010; with the application number 42/CHE/2010. It has been granted as patent on 26th February, 2020; with the "Patent number 333103" with "VARANG INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED" as the Patentee." SYSTEM AND METHOD TO TRIGGER SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS DURING AN EMERGENCY" is called as Buddy service.

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Buddy is a Value Added Service which could be provided on any type of Mobile phone (Smartphones or basic phone) in which the user enters four mobile numbers of their family and dear ones, in telecom service provider database.

How it Works?

At times of Emergency the subscriber presses a TOLL FREE Number like "123", for which the following Standard Operating Procedure is configured:

1)      Instant voice recording
2)      SMS of the person's location to the members in the buddy-list
3)      Teleconferencing is established between the family, dear ones and the person under emergency.
4)      Looping of the above 3 steps, after every 3 minutes or change in tower location

Note: SMSing or Ringing is done to the family and dear ones, until somebody of the family attends the call.